News and Insights
Welcome to our Mushroom Hub
Step into the fascinating world of mushrooms. Here, we dish out the latest updates, and intriguing stories about everything mushroom-related. From mushroom insights to behind-the-scenes glimpses into our farm life, grab a cuppa, settle in, and let's dive into some light fungi reading.

SA Mushrooms Celebrates Christmas 2023 with staff
To Celebrate Christmas with our SA Mushrooms employees, we hosted a delightful Christmas lunch at our farm facility on Wednesday December 6th 2023.

Adelaide Chef Jordan Theodoros gives 10 reasons why Mushrooms are a summer food
Distinguished Adelaide based chef, Jordan Theodoros, has challenged traditional thinking by giving 10 reasons why mushrooms should be considered a perfect summer meal ingredient.

SA Mushrooms brings virtual mushrooms to Burnside Primary
Burnside Primary School science teacher Abby MacPherson was well organised, signing up to take part in the Australian Mushroom Growers’ Association’s (AMGA) ‘Mushrooms in Schools’ program; a free, ten-week educational program to teach primary school students about the third food kingdom - FUNGI.

Mushrooms are so mush more than you think!
Mushrooms are packed full of goodness and have long since been known as meat for vegetarians… but they’re so much more than that” says SA Mushrooms Co-Director Nat Femia.