Mushroom Recipes
Explore our recipe collection.
Over our many years of mushroom growing, we have created, tried, and tested an endless number of recipes. We are proud to share the best of the best here with you! Along with their beautiful flavour and unique texture, mushrooms are a nutritious ingredient in any home-cooked meal. There are so many varieties of mushroom to choose from, each with their own distinct appearance, taste and texture.
The mushroom recipes on this page are influenced by the diversity of our home in the Adelaide Plains and the broader Australian community - pastas, curries, tacos, dumplings, pizza, burgers, soups, salads, and plenty of breakfast dishes, too. We have a range of vegan, vegetarian, and gluten free dishes, and many where mushrooms and meat can share the spotlight. You'll see that mushrooms are wondrous in their versatility - they work across cuisines, seasons, and many different cooking methods.
Whether you're looking for easy dinners, impressive appetisers, or healthy snacks, you'll find plenty of mushroom recipes here to ignite your culinary spark.

Want more ways to spice up your meals?
Explore the Blendatarian website for even more recipes, information and culinary inspiration!